About Excise department

The Excise department is second largest tax revenue earning department of state government. It deals with the administration of the laws and rules relating to manufacture, possession, sale, import, export and transport of Liquor, intoxicating drugs and collection of revenue from each of these sources. The department is not only involved in collection of revenue but it works to prevent illegal trade, trafficking and production of illicit Liquor.
The Excise department is headed by the Excise Commissioner with its Head Quarter situated at Udaipur with jurisdiction in whole state. At headquarter, Excise Commissioner is assisted by Additional Excise Comissioner (Adm), Additional Excise Commissioner (Policy), Additional Excise Comissioner (Excise Preventive Force), Financial Advisor,Joint Excise Comissioner (EPF),Additional Excise Comissioner (Legal),Chemical Examiner,Dy. Comissioner Excise/EPF and some other officers. For effective control over field level functionaries, the state is divided in seven zones - Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Ajmer, Bikaner, Kota and Bharatpur each headed by Additional Commissioner

Excise department

Exice department
Excise Commissioner & Ex- Officio Prohibition Commissioner and M.D., R.S.B.C.L. Rajasthan
- Additional Commisioner, Udaipur Zone
- Additional Commisioner, Jaipur Zone
- Additional Commisioner, Jodhpur Zone
- Additional Commisioner, Ajmer Zone
- Additional Commisioner, Bikaner Zone
- Additional Commisioner, Kota Zone
- Additional Commisioner, Bharatpur Zone